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This is Popular Acronym list for B 16 pages - 1 of 16 click here for the page 2
AOI blue
b&f back and forth
b.b.f.e.a.e best boyfriend forever and ever
b.b.f.e.a.e best buddies for ever and ever
b.b.i.a.l.w. be back in a little while
B.B.I.T Be Back In Ten
B.B.I.T. Be Back In Ten
b.b.s.o.l. Be Back Sooner Or Later
b.c.b.c. beggars can't be choosers
B.D.O.M.L. Best Day Of My Life
B.E.A.S.T. Basic Expeditionary Airman Skills Training
B.F.B.I. Brute Force and Bloody Ignorance
b.f.f.a.e.a.e.u.e. best friends forever and ever and ever until eternity
b.f.f.a.f.l. best friend forever and for life
B.F.F.A.O.E. Best Friends For All Of Eternity
b.f.f.l. best friend for life
b.f.f.l.a.a.d. best friends for life and after death
b.f.f.l.d. best friends for life and death
b.f.f.l.e. best friends for like ever
b.f.f.t.r.o.m.l. best friend for the rest of my life
b.f.f.w.l.t.g.s.a.l. best friends forever who like to go shopping a lot
b.f.i.t.w. best friends in the world
B.F.T.D. Best Friends Till Death
b.f.t.t.e.o.t. best friends till the end of time
b.h.a.k. big hug and kiss
b.i.e.h. Best I ever had
B.I.L.Y. Because I Love You
b.i.n.u. baby I need you
b.i.t.t.w. blood is thicker than water
b.l.a.h. Boring Links and Homepages
This is Popular Acronym list for B 16 pages - 1 of 16 click here for the page 2
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