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This is Popular Acronym list for E 7 pages - 1 of 7 click here for the page 2 E-OTDEnhanced Observed Time Difference e.c.e.g.easy come, easy go E.D.G.E.Enhanced Data for GSM Evolution E.F.N.I.Earth Force Naval Intelligence e.g.a.d.everyone's got a dream E.O.C.Emergency Operations Centre E.O.E.Equal Opportunity Employer e.o.f.y.end of financial year E.P.O.S.Electrical Point of Sale e.t.a.estimated time of arrival E.T.D.estimated time of departure E.T.L.extraction, transformation, and load eacuemergency acute care unit EAECEast Asia Economic Caucus EAECEast Asiatic Economic Council EAECEuropean Atomic Energy Community eaienterprise application integration EAKEating At Keyboard EAMAULEat As Much As You Like EAMAYLEat As Much As You Like eapeconomically active population eapEmployee Assistance Program eapExtensible Authentication Protocol EASDAQEuropean Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation EAVEntity Attribute Value eawwteven a worm will turn ebbakError Between Brain and Keyboard ebeextraterrestrial biological entity EBITearnings before interest and taxes EBITDAEarnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation
This is Popular Acronym list for E 7 pages - 1 of 7 click here for the page 2 Create funny text messages with our Lingo translator Search our txt message collection for that special message for a friend