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mpg miles per gallon
MPH miles per hour
MPH mobile, portable, handheld
MPLS Multi protocol label switching
MPLS Multiprotocol Label Switching
MPOP Main Point of Penetration
MPOP major point of presence
MPOP Minimum Point of Penetration
Mpsi mega pounds per square inch
MPV Multi-Purpose Vehicle
mram magnetic random access memory
mram magnetoresistive random access memory
mram magnetoresistive random access meory
MRI Magnetic Resource Imaging
mrp materials recquirements planning
mrp My Romantic Partner
MSc Master of Science
mscea my southern comfort's empty again
MSDs Material Safety Data Sheets
MSDs musculoskeletal disorders
MSFT Microsoft Corporation
msm main stream media
msm Mainstream Media
MSMQ Micrcosoft Message Queue
MSNTBC must see network television broadcasting channel
MSOF Multiple system and organ failure
MSRN Mobile Station Roaming Number
msrp manufacturer's suggested retail price
msrp manufacturers suggested retail price
mta mail transfer agent
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