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This is Popular Acronym list for M page 8 of 10 - 9 of 10 click here for the page 10 mtabmounted file systems table MTAITWWWmore than anything in the whole wide world MTBMaking Things Better MTBMeant to Be MTBmountain bike mtbfmean time before failure mtbfmean time between failure mtbfmean time between failures MTCNMoney Transfer Control Number mtdmonth to date mtfbwymay the force be with you MTOWMy Type Of Woman mtsMicrosoft Terminal Server mtsfmean time to system failure mtsfmedium-term strategic MTVMusic Television channel MUACmid upper arm circumference mubarmessed up beyond all recognition MUDMultiple user dimension MUFAmono-unsaturated fatty acids mugmulti user game MUNGmash until no good MUSHmulti-user shared hallucination MUSHMunicipal, University, School, Hospital musmmiss you so much muxmultiplexer MVAMilli volt amps MVAMotor Vehicle Accident mvbffmy very best friend forever mvnomobile virtual network operator
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