This list is not the complete list, please use the Emoticon dictionary search for more Emoticon's (Smilies) for F
This is Popular Emoticon list for F
=:-( face
( + )( + ) fake silicone breasts
\;/ fanny
==[]== fasten your seatbelt
f@ fat
(__!__) fat arse
(___!___) fat arse
(___!___) fat ass
(__Y__) fat ass
f8l fatal
(___!___) fatass
<:-/ feeling stoopid
>- female
O+ female
(0) female
(oYo) female's bosom
(O--< fish
<*)))-{ Fish
>-^);> Fish
><(((\"> Fish
<*)))-( fish
><> fish
><(((;> fish
><((("> fish
<')))))>< fish
>>{^)))}:> fish
(0-< fishface
(O--< fishy
This is Popular Emoticon list for F
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experENs S dat marvelous ting dat enables U 2 recognize a mstake wen U mak it agn .
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