This list is not the complete list, please use the Emoticon dictionary search for more Emoticon's (Smilies) for O
This is Popular Emoticon list for O
:-O Oh
:-0 oh
:-0 oh my god
8-O oh my god
:{) oh my gosh
:X oh no
:-ok Okay
:-! omg
<>r&r<> on holiday
12x--<--@ One Dozen Roses
O-) one eyed
,,!,, one finger salute
.-) one-eyed
O-) One-eyed monster
O-) only joking
:-! oops
=^) Open Minded
:=) orangutan
@:-{>-- Osama bin Laden
:@ ouch!
:-))) overweight
(OvO) owl
This is Popular Emoticon list for O
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