Want something other than feelgood txt messages Hover your mouse over the txt message to translate txt into plain english or click the buttona pal S sum1 we turn 2 wen R spirits nd a lift, a pal S sum1 we booty 4 R fship S a gft,a pal S sum1 hu fills R lyfs W beauty, joy, n grace n maks D wrld we liv n a btr n happier plce A gud pal S lk a computr,he 'enters' your lyf,he 'saves' u n Hs <3,'formats' your prblms,'shifts' u2 opertntys and neva 'deletes' u 4m hs heart D wrd hello means: H=How r U? E=Everything alrite? L=Like 2 HeA frm U! L=Love 2CU sn O=Obviously I Ms U. .so, hello dnt cry cos its over smile coz it happened [1] 2345678910Next