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I wz tawt that1 hour=60 mins, n 1 min=60 2nd bt dey nvr tawt me that1 2nd w/o a pal feels lk a million yrsTranslate SMS!
No m@r hu U r, no m@r wotU du, 6S 8nt D key 2 ^^. ^^ S D key 2 6S.Translate SMS!
w@ d wrd impssbL sEz I M posbL. So evry ting wich sEmz impssbL S Itslf sEz dats posbL.Translate SMS!
doctors say 8 glas of water ech day is gd 4 ur helth.I say 8 glas of vodka wth lemon on ice is gd 4 helth.u dnt no da doc bt u do knw me so tke my adviceTranslate SMS!
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