Funny txtmsgs, hilarious and laughable text messages 10
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Women r D best motors. cept NE sIz piston, r slf lubricating, *t ^ W a fingA, changes oil evry 4 wks, n a ful tank lst 9 mthsTranslate SMS!
dear god TY 4 makin M healthy, cn U also mak M SxC? f nt cn u mak my F? f@? amenTranslate SMS!
a-ur attractiveb-ur beautifulc-ur caringd-ur delicouse-ur excitingf-ur funnyg-ur gorgeoush-ur hornyI-IMJ-JUSTK-KIDDINGL-LOSERTranslate SMS!
A)Ur @ractiv B)Ur Buff C)Ur Charmin D)Ur Delicious E)Ur Excitin F)Ur funE G)Ur gorgES H)Ur Heavenly I)Im J)Just K)Kiddin L)Loser!Translate SMS!
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