Want something other than funny SMS messages Hover your mouse over the txt message to translate txt into plain english or click the buttonur so sxc u drive m insane u fuck me so hard im alwayz in pain ur sxc voice putz me in a slumber oh sorry ive got da rong number last nite i wantd u. needed u so badly dat it hurt. wanted 2 taste u. i wanted u n me so u culd wrk ur mgic on me... bt i couldnt fnd u. u daft..PARACETAMOL! im thr% w/ gys dey al tll lies, dey brak yor <3 N mak y% cry, lvin gys s such a sin, hey chck ou+ dat gy dat jst wlked in recent studies have shown that homosexuals use their thumbs to scroll through their txt msgs. dont try & change 2 ur finger it 2 late FAG!! Prev12 3 45678910Next