Want something other than funny SMS messages Hover your mouse over the txt message to translate txt into plain english or click the button4 a smile press 1, 4 a spanking press 2, 4 multpl orgasms press 3... & if ur still pressin buttons ur jus f**kin naughty! memories lst 4ever , dey simply nvr di , tru pals stay 2gtha - dey nvr sA good-bye . If 1 nite u wake up + a big fat man is tryin 2 put u in a sack plz dont b afraid coz i told santa all i want 4 christmas is u.. i lie awake @ night & think wow ure a cute,hot,amazing,smart,sexy,goergous,respectable,intelligent person .. I gotta take that mirra off the ceiling Prev12345678 9 10Next