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I have a little angle flying around wid a hammer everytime it hits sum1 they get a kiss 4rm me and sum luv. i hope it beats da crap out of U.Translate SMS!
sex is evil sex is class, whip me baby whip my arse, 69ers doggy style text me back to make me smile.Translate SMS!
Id lov 2B in ur pants right now i cn think of somthing fun 2 doTranslate SMS!
SeX iZ GuD SeX iZ cLaSs WhIp Me BaYbEe SpAnK My AsS 69 oR DoGGiE sTyLe F**k Me BaYbEe MaKe Me sMiLe...So iF u WaNt Me iN Ya PaNtZ LiCk Ya LiPz n TeXt RiTe BaCk.Translate SMS!
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