txt fun, txt jokes, funny txt messages 59 1
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2 trains R about to colide a woman rips off her cloths and sAz does Neone wanna make me feel like a woman before I die and a man rips of his cloths and sAz ,yes here iron theseTranslate SMS!
wot did the bow legged doe say?thats the last time i do that for 10 bucksTranslate SMS!
2 boyz got arestd 4 drinkN b@RE acid n letN firewrks off. One wz chrgd & D oder wz let offTranslate SMS!
a 90 yr old women n mn wr avin sex n D mn wz sukN her tits. l8r D mn died in postmotem rprt Bcz of deth wz expired moo!Translate SMS!
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