txt fun, txt jokes, funny txt messages 92 1
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A woman in hospital after having a fanny tuck gets 3 bouquets, 1 frm her hubby, 1 from the surgen n 1 frm Eric n D burns unit 2 say thanx 4 D nu ears Translate SMS!
@ 20 , a man plays rugby, @ 30 turns 2 10s , @ 4t turns 2 golf ! CONCLUSION: as a man gets older hs balz get smalR! Translate SMS!
w@ do washing machines and women have in comman. they all leak when f**ked!Translate SMS!
gudAM , hav u done 2 of the mst important things 1) pray so that u may live , 2) take a bath so others can live tooTranslate SMS!
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