Want something other than funny SMS jokes? Hover your mouse over the txt message to translate txt into plain english or click the buttonI seek n fnd u, taK u 2 bed n ctrl u, mke u ache, shake n sweat til u groan, mke u beg 4 mercy, xhaust u so mch, Ull B relieved wen I leaV u. d Flu ur nt 1ly fat yr stupid ur so stupid dat u spent 20mins staring @ a orange ctn coz it z cncntrate Id lk 2B a volcano... smoke ll dy n ppl sA ... luuk like hes wurkn! mii andd mauh chiild annd mmauuh babiie dadds lovve thhe hecckk ouutt of youuhh mann youhh wldnt evrr undrtannd aytng iimm tliin youhh dde qett thhe cluue. Prev1234 5 678910Next