Want something other than funny SMS jokes? Hover your mouse over the txt message to translate txt into plain english or click the button2 fleas on a muff, 1 S a burglar, D oder S a drug dealer. hw DY tel em apart? D burglar S hidng n D bush n D junkie S sniffing crak 2 idiots fnd a mrra n D road , 1st 1 l%ks n it n sEz IKT face bt i cant put a nme 2 it ! 2nd mn l%ks n it & says U f**ing bozo its me He came 2 M 1 nite... explored my bod... licked- sucked- swallowed & had Hs fill... wen satisfied he lft... I wz hurt... F***IN msqto last nyt I dreamed I 8 a ten-pound marshmallow, n wen I woke ^ D pillO wz gon Prev12 3 45678910Next