Want something other than funny SMS jokes? Hover your mouse over the txt message to translate txt into plain english or click the buttonwmn hs mn n it, ms hs mr n it, >- hs :- n it, Madam hs adam n it, so grls r alw incomplete w/o boyz. OPTUS wishS 2 in4rm U dat r product security division hs bn monitoring ur ph. We 1s agn Rmind U dat ur ph 8nt a mastabation device. Confucious sA: S vry gud 4 boy 2 mEt gal n prk, bt mch btr 4 boy 2 prk meat n gal..... I wz arestd 4 bn d ugliest pRsN n d US, cn u cum dwn 2 d police st8N n shO em its a mstke? Prev1234 5 678910Next