Want something other than funny SMS jokes? Hover your mouse over the txt message to translate txt into plain english or click the buttonwhyd d squirrel zzz on hs gut? 2 kep hs nuts warm! w@ do a lwyR n a jizz av n comN? dey both h2 B hUmN sumday 7 resons (B) aint btr thN women 1.A (B) btl doesnt l%k btr W lbl off 2.Peeling off (B) labels isnt as mch fun. 3. u cn suk a (B) @ O1 spot. 4. NjoyN a (B) nvolves a poz calorie intake. 5. d btm of a (B) cn isnt vry interestin. 7. ders a law bout drivN aftr havN 2 mnE beers 8. u hav2 B ovr 21 2 Njoy (B) nw dat food hs replacd sx n my lyf, I cnt evn gt N2 my own pants. Prev123 4 5678910Next