Want something other than funny SMS jokes? Hover your mouse over the txt message to translate txt into plain english or click the buttonhow dz a man shO hes planin 4 D fucha? He buys an xtra case of (B) a blonde takes her car 2 a mechnaic 4 repair.Mechanic fixes it in 2 mins , just shit in the air filter he says . the blonde says how often do I do that? A coupl felt horny Dcided 2 pul over n av pa$n8 sx n D car. a cop caughtt em n D act . D cop wrote a ticket D offense wz doiN 69 n a 60 zone A woman in hospital after having a fanny tuck gets 3 bouquets, 1 frm her hubby, 1 from the surgen n 1 frm Eric n D burns unit 2 say thanx 4 D nu ears Prev123456 7 8910Next