Want something other than funny SMS jokes? Hover your mouse over the txt message to translate txt into plain english or click the buttonlst nyt I Culdnt shut eye. I wtd yr warm agenst my skin. I wtd u on me. I wtd 2 feel yall ovr my bod.. bt I c%dnt fnd u! whr did I put my PYJAMAZ? DdU heA bout d ldy hu gave brth 2 a blok of w%d? dey sA she wz NAILED by a CARPENTER w@ did d blondes ryt leg sA 2 d lft leg? nothin. They've nvr met. hw mnE economists dz it taK 2 screw ina lyt bulb? nun. f d lyt bulb realy needed changiN, mkt forces wd av alrdy cauzd it 2 hpn. Prev123 4 5678910Next