Want something other than Love txt messages Hover your mouse over the txt message to translate txt into plain english or click the buttonn my drEms i drEm of U of all D fings dat we cUd do, an n my <3 i yearn 4 mor of D sweetest peRsN hu i adore, bt most of all D fings i ms S givin u a goodnite X flowAs nEd sunshine, violets nEd dew, ll angels n heaven knw I nd u. yrs may fly, tears may dry, but my Fship W u will nvr di. Dont wanna clse my Iyz dont wanna fall asleep cauZ IMU babe I dont wn2 ms a ting bcause evn wen I dream of U D sweetest dream wl nvr do Ill stil MU babe I do not wn2 ms a ting DuRing MaTh$ I wAz ThinkIn OF u,But I stiLL CannOT CalcuLate How Much I lOve U Prev123 4 5678910Next