Love messages , romance the one you love by text message 9
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in evrythin i do, i hav expected too much, i hv askd 4 mor dan wat i hav. but dis tym , i wil nver b askin 4 mor, 4 wat i hav is mor dan wat i ask 4. im so gr8ful to hav u in my lyf. i luv u.Translate SMS!
God mde flower, God md cheese God md u 4 me 2 squeeze. God md Fanta, God md Pepsi, but wen he made u, God he md u dam sexy!Translate SMS!
wen i 1st luked deep in2 yr i's i cud not comprimise with the undying luv dat became my amazin prizeTranslate SMS!
mne ppl hav touched my lyf , bt sadly ur nt 1 of dem , dis s bcoz u did mor dan tch my lyf . U lft a mark 4me 2 rmemba u 4 da rest of my lyfTranslate SMS!
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