Love messages , romance the one you love by text message 6
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I alw tnk of u, bt I alw fail 2no D reasN Y?. S der somit Ls I shd knw bout u? bt theres 1 ting dat IK S tru. dat lyf wl alw B sad w/o u Translate SMS!
lov maks lyf so confusing n diFicult bt with out lov wd u wn2 live?. with out u I canot breth also. coz my hart S W u Translate SMS!
i mu A3 Im nt w u n luwamhTranslate SMS!
luvly msg 4 a luvly pRsN frm a luvly pRsN 4 a luvly reasN @ a luvly tym frm a lovely mnd ina luvly mood ina luvly styl 2say; i ms uTranslate SMS!
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