Love messages , romance the one you love by text message 3
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i ms U! cant stop TAY ll dy lng! cant w8 2CU n BW/U alnite n ur arms!Translate SMS!
stix n stones r hrd on bones, Aimed W angry art, wrds cn sting lk NEfin, bt silence breaks D <3Translate SMS!
Im hre w/o U bb bt ur stil on my mnd Um abtU bb I dream abtU ll D tym Im hre w/o U bt ur stil W me n my drms ItsU n me 4ever.Translate SMS!
f i rote ur nme n d sky wind w%d blo it awy. f i rote ur nme n d sea waVs w%d wash it awy. bt ur nme S engravd n my <3 whr nothin cn tch it!Translate SMS!
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