Want something other than Love txt messages Hover your mouse over the txt message to translate txt into plain english or click the buttoni ms U! cant stop TAY ll dy lng! cant w8 2CU n BW/U alnite n ur arms! stix n stones r hrd on bones, Aimed W angry art, wrds cn sting lk NEfin, bt silence breaks D <3 Im hre w/o U bb bt ur stil on my mnd Um abtU bb I dream abtU ll D tym Im hre w/o U bt ur stil W me n my drms ItsU n me 4ever. f i rote ur nme n d sky wind w%d blo it awy. f i rote ur nme n d sea waVs w%d wash it awy. bt ur nme S engravd n my <3 whr nothin cn tch it! Prev12 3 45678910Next