Want something other than Love txt messages Hover your mouse over the txt message to translate txt into plain english or click the buttononce upon a time it happend 2 me , D sweetest ting dat could evr B . It ws a fantaC a dream come tru , it ws D day i come 2 kno U Ive the I, Ive the L ,Ive the O, Ive the V,Ive the E so wen CN I hav U ? sumday some1 wil hold U D way i do , sumday som1 wil say he luvs U 2 bt sumday sumhow dis vry sum1 wil nvr lov D way dat i do dnt U evr wunda y ppl txt u bt hav nuthin important 2 sA ! it's 4 d simpl reason ur such a nce persn 2 tnk of , lyk d wA i'm TOY nw Prev1 2 345678910Next