Love messages , romance the one you love by text message 9
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I mizd u vry mch, I cwtcu 2nite.Translate SMS!
nobdy S ryt til sumbdy S rong. nobdy S weak til sumbdy S tuff. nobdy S luky til lov cums along. nobdy S lonly til sumbdy S gon. missNTranslate SMS!
gudnite my vry specl pal,I pray u la n rest, n may 2moz brng u, mch lov n ^^.do nt tnk of me...i m n ur Iyz.Translate SMS!
wen nyts r lng n F? r few, I sit by my wndw n tnk of u. A silent murmur, A silent tear. W ll my hart, I wsh u wr hre.Translate SMS!
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