Love messages , romance the one you love by text message 11
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wrds however specl .cud neva evn strt , 2 tel U all D lov Ive 4 U within my hart . ILUVUMEDTranslate SMS!
flowAs wil only wilt N di unlike D lov of U&I . confection S swEt bt soon its eaten unlike my lov dat cnt beaten . besides all dat dey cost lots of muny dis S free! Njoy it honey Translate SMS!
hey grgeous , I jst wanna sA dat ILU so so mch . INo it's hard 4 us 2 B 2getha & u won't B myn , bt IL nvr stop thinkN or lovin U cos yr D best !Translate SMS!
ders nt enuf wrds N D wrld 2 xpress hw mch ILU . yr my everything LY nw N 4evaTranslate SMS!
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