Want something other than Love txt messages Hover your mouse over the txt message to translate txt into plain english or click the buttonmany people will wlk in + out of yr life but only true friends will leave footprints in yr heart sumWhEr ThErS sUm1 wHo dReAmS oF yR sMiLe, n FiNdS iN yR pResEnCe ThAt LyFe iS wOrTh wHiLe, So WhEn u R lOnELy rEmEmBeR iT's TrU SuMboDy sUmwHer Is ThInKiN of U! der R 6 billion ppl N D wrld . I dont knw Y? i kp on txtN U . mayB cz 5999999999 cant rplce . . . 1 sngl U ! I wz feeln a lil lonly , N wen I askD Mself wot seemed 2B missN D most , D ans turned ot 2BU Prev1234 5 678910Next