Want something other than Love txt messages Hover your mouse over the txt message to translate txt into plain english or click the buttonlov is a name, sx is a gme. 4get D name n play D game! *~*If A kIsS WaS A KiSs Id sEnD U ShOwErS If A hUg wAs A mInUtE Id sEnD U HrS Nd iF LuV WaS A StAr iD sEnD U D SkY uR My bAbY GuRl NoW So sWeEt dReAmS nd gUdNyT *~* i lov u, iwsh u cUd B mine 4ever i wsh i waz ur blanket,i wsh i wz ur bd, i wsh i was ur pillow underneath ur hed,i wan2B arnd u,i wn2 hld u tyt, n B D lckE pRsN hu }xx u gudnite Prev1234567 8 910Next