Want something other than Love txt messages Hover your mouse over the txt message to translate txt into plain english or click the buttonTY 4 lst nyt, twas NcreDbl! no greeting card 2 gv ...no swt flwr 2 snd...no cute graphics 2 forwrd ...jst a swt wrds sayng ;i luv u . sumWhEr ThErS sUm1 wHo dReAmS oF yR sMiLe, n FiNdS iN yR pResEnCe ThAt LyFe iS wOrTh wHiLe, So WhEn u R lOnELy rEmEmBeR iT's TrU SuMboDy sUmwHer Is ThInKiN of U! I snd u dis @};- 2 Rmind u dat ILU n alw thinkN of u. ur d 1ly thng dats on my mnd Smokers av smokn hart, Drinkers av an alcoholoic hart. I RQ u plz dnt e@ sugA coz u aready av lolly hart I gez I nvr tld u, Im so hpE dat yr myn [1] 2345678910Next