Want some other funny SMS messages Hover your mouse over the txt message to translate txt into plain english or click the buttontexting S suposD 2 mke Coms EZer n cheapR. bt mnE teens r discovering dat brevity may nt be helpn dem wen 1ly 2 ppl r needed 2 undRst& a QSO thN sp n gramA r of less importance ( Assuming a csual context). WTF!!! u tnk smokn S QL wel hre S an ^d8 4 u! smokn S F**KING GAY n smokn KILLS U SO PUT dwn dat F**KING fag, n *t A nu F**KING lyf! dat duznt involv F**KING smokn!!!!! wen 1ly 2 ppl r needed 2 undRst& a QSO thN sp n gramA r of less imptanc [1] 2345678910Next