Want some other funny SMS messages Hover your mouse over the txt message to translate txt into plain english or click the buttonsum linguists bleev txtN S a ve atribute 2 Standard en. dis nu lingo S jst foLowN d line wz oder nu dialects did B4 such as blk slang, n d naked progression of language Studies av shown dat txtN actuly maks yung ppl btr communicators as wel as scoring btr on vocab n readN tsts txtN hs d elements of initialisations, acronyms, contractions, pictograms n othas dat r alike 2 ancient langs n ritings. txtN S lk d 21st centuries wAz of freely UzN novl syntax, as did Shakespeare n hs tym. Shakespeare md ^ sevrl K nu wrds, includN six diFrent wAz 2 spel hs own nAm Prev123 4 5678910Next