Want some other funny SMS messages Hover your mouse over the txt message to translate txt into plain english or click the buttonIm tryiN 2B btr @ txt lang 2 comnC8 proply W r eldst dautA A mixtya of ll deez typz of txt lang cn cre8 a mch shoter msg. d uz of deez lang typz cn also Bcum diFicult 2 read, bt wen users Bcum uzd 2 readN dis 4m of ritN nuf, deciphering d wrds cums mor naturally, such S d effct of txt lang on yung minds. typin Ntire msgs thus regularly wl earn u a warnin n posibly a ban. dis S an xampl of hw r 1s gr8 lang hs bn reduced 2 a garbled string of nonsense! Prev123456789 10 Next