Want some other funny SMS messages Hover your mouse over the txt message to translate txt into plain english or click the buttontxt spk isa vry annoying wA of ritN bt as fr as I go I tnk f txt spk S yr Bgst prob thN yr doiN btr thN most jst w@ wl d en lang l%k lk n d fucha f dis S hw we tlk 2day? cn u read dis? I prolly wudnt B abL 2 read dis f 1of my F?? sent dis 2 B. Id smak em silE f dey triD 2 mke me read dis. spk en! l%k @ w@ dis wrld S cmng 2!! sum guy frm havard uni reckons dat lerning txt lang B4 UNo en S highly detremental 2 yr lerning Prev123456 7 8910Next