Want something other than txt love and dating Hover your mouse over the txt message to translate txt into plain english or click the button1 dy ull ask me: waz mor mportnt TU , M or yr lyf ? IL sA my lyf N Ul go N leev w/o evn knoN dat UR my lyf . wen im wiv u im whole wen ur gone so has my soul but its hard 2 look u straight in da eye when im looking at u on the sly 1 Special Message Received DOWNLOADING lll 5% llllllll 25% lllllllllllllll 50% llllllllllllllllllllllllllll 100% MESSAGE : GÖÖd]ite hÖnÈy! i cant W4U 2B nxt 2 me Prev12345678 9 10Next