Want something other than txt love and dating Hover your mouse over the txt message to translate txt into plain english or click the buttonI cant undRst& Y? im Nluv wtih u S it coz thN mn sent u frm abov 2 taK awy my pain.Or did he snd u 4me2 hug W, wen it rain? bt IK 1 ting S u taK awy my pain. n w@ im sAyn S ILU <s>, ILU U mean mor 2 me thN lyf Itslf n altgh ur fr frm me 2nite i wntU 2 knw ILUWAMH n wl 4 ll eternity jingle jangle bingle bangle i wana fuk u 4rm every angle ur lips r made to lick and suck and u were made 4 me 2 fuk Prev1234567 8 910Next