Want something other than rude txt messages Hover your mouse over the txt message to translate txt into plain english or click the buttonim no fred flintstone but i'll make ur bedrock Mans sEz 2 his wyf , ur ass S D size of a BBQ, later D mann sEz 2 D OL h.a sme, D wyf sEz theres no point n sTRtN a 4 brnr BBQ 4 1/2 a sausG man says 2 lady n D street , how old r ur twins? D gal S 12 n D boy S 7, why? do u think they r twins?. cuz I cnot bleev sum1 wd F**k U twice man asks a hooker how mch? she say $50 on D bed , $20 on D sofa , $10 on D turf. he hands her $50. she says ura man of claas. he says cls! my ass 5 tmes on D grass Prev1 2 345678910Next