Want something other than christmas txt messages Hover your mouse over the txt message to translate txt into plain english or click the buttonnu S d yr, nu r d hopes n d aspirations, nu S d resolution, nu r d spirits n 4ever my warm wishS r 4 u. av a promising n fulfilling nu yr b4 d sun sets, b4 d memries fade, B4 d netwrks gt jammed & b4 I gt :*) & loose my ph , Im wishin u a vry hpE n prosporus yer May d gud tmes n treasures of d presnt Bcum d goldN memries of 2moz. wsh yall lots of lov, joy n ^^ . mery xmas dEr frnds.. wishN u ll a hpE xmas n a hapy nu yr. [1] 2345678910Next