Want something other than christmas txt messages Hover your mouse over the txt message to translate txt into plain english or click the buttonsry lov. blody reindeer's got nt tyt. h2 B hom sn. *<|:o)>. When d mid-nite bell rings 2nite.. Let it signify nu n btr fings 4 u, let it signify a realisation of ll fings UW 4, Let it signify a yr of courage n Blevz, wishN u a vry... vry... vry prosporus nu yr A nu yr A nu *t A nu chapt A nu Bginin 4gt d Bad Cherist d gud I Sincerely wsh u A vry blest nu yr ahed hpE nu yr hpE nu yr TU 2, hre S 2 nu beginnings! Prev1 2 345678910Next